GreenDoc Theme

Usage Guide for GreenDoc Theme

Welcome to the usage guide for the GreenDoc Theme. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up, customize, and deploy the theme for your project. Follow the instructions below to make the most of GreenDoc’s features.


1. Set Up Your Jekyll Project

If you don’t already have a Jekyll project, create one by running the following command:

jekyll new my-project

Navigate to your project directory:

cd my-project

2. Configure the Remote Theme

To use the GreenDoc Theme as a remote theme, add the following to your _config.yml file:

remote_theme: Open-and-Sustainable/greendoc_theme

This tells Jekyll to pull the theme from the specified GitHub repository.

3. Install Dependencies

Ensure all necessary gems are installed by running:

bundle install

This will install Jekyll and any other required dependencies specified in your Gemfile.

4. Build and Serve Locally

Once everything is set up, you can build and serve your site locally:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Your site will be available at http://localhost:4000. Open this URL in your web browser to view your site and see the GreenDoc Theme in action.

Page Creation

Creating New Pages

To create a new page, simply add a new Markdown file (.md) to the root of your Jekyll project or within a specific directory. For example, you might create an file with content like this:

title: About
layout: default

# About This Project

Describe your project, goals, and vision here.

This will create a new page on your site with the title “About” and will use the default layout provided by the theme.

The theme automatically generates navigation based on the directory structure of your project. Ensure your pages are correctly linked by organizing them within folders as needed. Example navigation structure:

- docs/

This structure will create a sidebar with links to the Home, Usage, and Customization pages.


To deploy your site using GitHub Pages, push your project to a GitHub repository. In the repository settings, enable GitHub Pages and set the source to the root or /docs directory, depending on your setup. Your site will then be live at