
Advanced Features

Debugging & Validation

In Section 1 of the project configuration, there are three parameters supporting the devleopment of projects and testing of prompt configurations. They are:

Second, duplication makes possible to test whether a prompt definition is clear enough. In fact, if running twice the same prompt generates different ouptut it is very likely that the prompt is not deifning the model reviewing task clearly enough. Setting duplication: yes and then checking if answers differ in the two analyses of the same manuscript is a good way to assess whether the prompt is clear enough to be used for the review project.

Duplicating manuscripts increases the cost of the project run, but the total cost presented at the beginning of the analysis is updated accordingly to let researchers assess the cost to be incurred. Hence, for instance, with Google AI as provider and Gemini 1.5 Flash model, without duplication:

Unless you are using a free tier with Google AI, the total cost (USD - $) to run this review is at least: 0.0005352
This value is an estimate of the total cost of input tokens only.
Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Processing file #1/1: lit_test

With duplication active:

Unless you are using a free tier with Google AI, the total cost (USD - $) to run this review is at least: 0.0010704
This value is an estimate of the total cost of input tokens only.
Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Processing file #1/2: lit_test
Waiting... 30 seconds remaining
Waiting... 25 seconds remaining
Waiting... 20 seconds remaining
Waiting... 15 seconds remaining
Waiting... 10 seconds remaining
Waiting... 5 seconds remaining
Wait completed.
Processing file #2/2: lit_test_duplicate

Third, in order to assess if the prompt definition are not only clear but also effective in extracting the information the researcher is looking for, it is is possible to use cot_justiication: yes. This will create an output .txt for each manuscript containing the chain of thought (CoT) justification for the answer provided. Technically, the justification is provided by the model in the same chat as the answer, and right after it.

The ouput in the justification output reports the information requested, the answer provided, the modle CoT, and eventually the relevant sentences in the manuscript reviewd, like in:

- **clustering**: "no" - The text does not mention any clustering techniques or grouping of data points based on similarities.
- **copulas**: "yes" - The text explicitly mentions the use of copulas to model the joint distribution of multiple flooding indicators (maximum soil moisture, runoff, and precipitation). "The multidimensional representation of the joint distributions of relevant hydrological climate impacts is based on the concept of statistical copulas [43]."
- **forecasting**: "yes" - The text explicitly mentions the use of models to predict future scenarios of flooding hazards and damage. "Future scenarios use hazard and damage data predicted for the period 2018–2100."

Rate Limits

We enforce usage limits for models through two primary parameters specified in Section 1 of the project configuration:

For both parameters, a value of 0 is the default and is used if the parameter is not specified in the configuration file. The default value has a special meaning: no delay will be applied. However, if positive numbers are provided, the algorithm will compute delays and wait times between requests to the API accordingly.

Please note that we do not support automatic enforcement of daily request limits. If your usage tier includes a maximum number of requests per day, you will need to monitor and manage this limit manually.

On OpenAI, for example, as of August 2024 users in tier 1 are subject to the following rate limits:

Model RPM RPD TPM Batch Queue Limit
gpt-4o 500 - 30,000 90,000
gpt-4o-mini 500 10,000 200,000 2,000,000
gpt-4-turbo 500 - 30,000 90,000
gpt-3.5-turbo 3,500 10,000 200,000 2,000,000

On GoogleAI, as of August 2024 free of charge users are subject to the limits:

Gemini 1.5 Flash 15 1,500 1,000,000
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2 50 32,000
Gemini 1.0 Pro 15 1,500 32,000

while pay-as-you-go users are subject to:

Gemini 1.5 Flash 1000 - 4,000,000
Gemini 1.5 Pro 360 - 4,000,000
Gemini 1.0 Pro 360 30,000 120,000

PLEASE NOTE: If you choose the cost minimization approach described below you must report in the configuration file the smallest tpm and rpm limits of the models by the provider you selected. This is the only way to ensure respecting limits since there is no authomatic check on them by prismAId and the selected model varies because of number of tokens in requests and model use prices.

Cost Minimization

In Section 1 of the project configuration: