
Project Setup


  1. OpenAI Account and API Key:
    • Create an OpenAI account at OpenAI.
    • Generate an API key from the OpenAI dashboard.
  2. Download Executable:
    • Visit the releases section of the prismAId GitHub repository.
    • Download the appropriate executable for your operating system and platform.
  3. Prepare Papers for Review:
    • Ensure that all papers to be reviewed are in .txt format.
    • Papers in html can be saved as text. To convert PDFs to .txt, there are many good options. A good one is the Python solution provided by pdfminer: instructions can be found here.

Literature Review Requirements

How to Configure a Review Project

Prepare a project configuration file in TOML following the 3-sections structure, explanations, and suggestions presented in the template.toml and here.

Section 1 is introduced below focusing on the basic settings to configure a project. Section 2 and 3 of the configuraiton file are discussed in Prompt Design.

Additional parameters in Section 1 can be used to activate the most advanced features of prismAId. these are discussed in Advanced Features.

Section 1: ‘Project’ Details

Project Information:

name = "Use of LLM for Systematic Review"
author = "John Doe"
version = "1.0"

Configuration Details:

input_directory = "/path/to/txt/files"
results_file_name = "/path/to/save/results"
output_format = "json"
log_level = "low"
duplication = "no"
cot_justification = "no"

LLM Configuration:

provider = "OpenAI"
api_key = ""
model = ""
temperature = 0.2
tpm_limit = 0
rpm_limit = 0

Supported Models

Each model has different limits on the size of inputs and a different cost:

Model Maximum Input Tokens Cost of 1M Input Tokens
gpt-4o-mini 128,000 $0.15
gpt-4o 128,000 $5.00
gpt-4-turbo 128,000 $10.00
gpt-3.5-turbo 16,385 $3.00
Gemini 1.5 Flash 1,048,576 $0.15
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2,097,152 $7.00
Gemini 1.0 Pro 32,760 $0.50