
Prompt Design

Section 2 and 3 of the project configuration file define the prompts used to run the generative AI models to extract the information researchers are looking for. This is the key of a review project andthe prismAId robust approach to this part enables the many Open Science advantages provided by the tool.

Section 2: ‘Prompt’ Details

The [prompt] section is aimed at defining the building blocks of the prompt, ensuring high accuracy in information extraction and minimizing hallucinations and misinterpretations.

Logic of the Prompt Section

persona = "You are an experienced scientist working on a systematic review of the literature."
task = "You are asked to map the concepts discussed in a scientific paper attached here."
expected_result = "You should output a JSON object with the following keys and possible values: "
failsafe = "If the concepts neither are clearly discussed in the document nor they can be deduced from the text, respond with an empty '' value."
definitions = "'Interest rate' is the percentage charged by a lender for borrowing money or earned by an investor on a deposit over a specific period, typically expressed annually."
example = ""

Examples and Explanation of Entries

Section 3: ‘Review’ Details

The [review] section is focused on defining the information to be extracted from the text. It outlines the structure of the JSON file to be returned by the LLM, specifying the keys and possible values for the extracted information.

Logic of the Review Section

key = "interest rate"
values = [""]
key = "regression models"
values = ["yes", "no"]
key = "geographical scale"
values = ["world", "continent", "river basin"]

Examples and Explanation of Entries